1. Introduction and Scope

This document concerns YOUR personal data, 法律上的定义是皇冠体育任何尚未进入公共领域的活着的人的信息, and covers legislation from The Data Protection Act (DPA), 隐私和电子通信条例(PECR)和一般数据保护条例(GDPR).

上述规定旨在保护和增强您作为数据主体的权利, and cover the safeguarding of personal data, 保护用户免受非法处理个人数据和在欧盟境内不受限制地转移个人数据.

Please be aware; GDPR does not apply to information already accessible in the public domain, for example, Companies House data, or domain registration information.

在本政策文件中,“我们”、“我们”和“我们的”是指第2节中列出的数据控制人.4 of this document.

1.1 LINCOLNW.COM致力于保护我们网站(http://lincolnw)访问者的隐私.com/) and general service users, 根据2018年通用数据保护条例(GDPR).

1.2 This Privacy Policy applies to all cases in which LINCOLNW.COM作为资料控制者,负责处理及保障网站访客及服务使用者的个人资料.

1.3 Upon first visiting our website, 您将被要求同意本政策文件中提供的条款, and to the use of cookies. 在隐私/cookie声明之后继续使用我们的网站意味着用户(您)已授予同意。.

2. Who we are

本节提供的信息清楚地定义了“我们”是谁, and who is responsible for managing your personal data. 皇冠体育也应根据欧盟皇冠体育服务提供商透明度的法律明确界定.

如果您认为本部分信息缺失或不正确, or does not adequately describe the service provider, you should discontinue use of this website immediately.

2.1 Who are we?

皇冠体育是一家总部位于曼彻斯特的皇冠体育和财富建设咨询公司, United Kingdom.

2.2 Physical address

International House
61 Mosley Street
M2 3HZ
United Kingdom

2.3 Contact methods

You can contact us via any of the following methods:

(a) By post to

Lincoln W. Ltd
International House
61 Mosley Street
M2 3HZ
United Kingdom

(b) Use of our website’s contact form on the following URL


(c) By telephone

+44 (0) 161 509 2325

(d) By email


2.4 Data Protection Officer

我们的数据保护官/数据控制者是Daniel AB Gouobolo,上述控制者的皇冠体育详见上文第2节.3.

3. Collection of YOUR personal data

下面的部分将详细说明所收集的数据类型, in addition to the methods of collecting this data.

3.1 User provided information

LINCOLNW.COM将收集您提供的直接信息(通过皇冠体育表格), for example) to provide quotations, make telephone contact, or to email you concerning any information you may request.

3.2 Automatically collected information

Whilst visiting our website, some additional personal data may be collected, 包括但不限于个人识别信息,如互联网协议(IP)地址, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths, as well as information concerning the timing, frequency and pattern of your service use.

3.3 How YOUR data on our website is collected and stored

Data will be collected on our website in the following ways:

a) Via web contact forms on our website

通过我们的网站表格提供的数据是由用户手动提交的, and stored in an encrypted MySQL database.

b) Via Google Analytics tracking

谷歌分析是谷歌提供的一项网络分析服务,用于跟踪和报告网站流量和用户行为, 使我们能够增强用户体验和分析营销.


All data is stored on Google’s secure servers.

c) 通过web服务器跟踪软件提供与我们的网络托管

我们的虚拟主机提供商可能会跟踪用户行为并监控潜在的安全威胁, 因此,我们将收集旨在保持网站运行和您的信息安全的数据.


d) Via browser cookies

Our website uses cookies, 定义为网站存储在访问者计算机上的字符串或信息数组. 您的浏览器会在每次访问我们的网站时提供这些信息.

有关浏览器cookie以及如何管理它们的更多信息可在 section 12 of this document.

4. Use of YOUR personal data

使用您的个人资料必须合法及公平, and initiation of data transfer from user (YOU) to LINCOLNW.COM should be easy to understand, 并且在处理哪些数据以及如何使用这些数据方面保持透明.

4.1 Lawful basis for data processing


LINCOLNW.COM绝不会将您的个人资料用于超出我们工作安排或合同规定范围的操作, unless legally required to do so.

4.2 Legal obligations

法律应否要求向上级机关(例如执法机构)披露你的个人资料, YOU as the user will be notified of any such data transfer.

5. Transfer of YOUR personal data

5.1 Third party transfer

如果有必要将您的详细信息用于第三方服务(如Google Analytics), 此数据传输只会在您以书面或电子邮件的直接指示下进行.  No transfer will take place without your consent.

5.2 Third party conformity

Should any transfer occur, LINCOLNW.COM希望所有第三方组织都遵守相同的数据保护规定.

5.3 Data transfer outside of EEA

是否有必要向欧洲经济区(EEA)以外的组织传输有关您的数据?, 您将事先得到通知,并且必须在任何数据传输发生之前同意. No data transfer will take place without prior consent.

5.4 External data transfer via hyperlinks

本网站可能包含指向不受LINCOLNW控制的外部网站的相关超链接.COM. 尽管在选择和提供任何此类链接时已采取了所有合理的谨慎措施, 在单击外部链接前,请谨慎操作. 我们不能保证外部链接的持续适用性, 我们也不会持续验证可能提供给您的内容的安全性.  任何个人资料均不会透过上述超连结传送至外部网站.

5.5 Transfer internally across website

All data transferred from page to page, from page to mailer, 或者从页面到数据库通过HTTPS协议加密发送.  The site is protected via a COMODO RSA SSL certificate.

6. Your rights as a data subject

6.1 Your rights

At any point whilst LINCOLNW.COM is in possession of, or processing your personal data, 根据欧盟法律法规规定,所有数据主体享有以下权利:

  • Right of access -您有权要求获得我们所持有的有关您的资料的副本.
  • Right of rectification -您有权更正我们持有的有关您的不准确或不完整的数据.
  • Right to erasure -在某些情况下,你可以要求我们从记录中删除你的资料.
  • Right to restriction of processing -在某些条件适用的情况下有权限制处理.
  • Right of portability -你有权要求我们将你的个人资料转移至其他机构.
  • Right to object -您有权反对某些类型的处理,例如直接营销.
  • Right to object to automated processing, including profiling -您也有权受到自动处理或分析的法律影响.

6.2 Refusal of access

In the event that LINCOLNW.COM refuses your request under rights of access, we will provide you with a reason as to why, which you have the right to legally challenge this refusal, or lodge an official complaint to the ICO (see Section 13).

7. Transparency of data held

7.1 Requesting information

LINCOLNW.COM在法律上有义务随时提供我们所收集的有关您的数据. You may request the following information:

  • Information concerning how we collected the data.
  • 资料保障主任的联络资料(如适用).
  • 处理您的信息的目的,以及处理的法律依据.
  • 收集、储存及处理的个人资料类别.
  • 资料会/将会被披露给的收件人或收件人类别.
  • How long the data will be stored.
  • 您有权更正、删除、限制或反对此类处理的详细信息.
  • Information about your right to withdraw consent at any time.
  • How to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (ICO).
  • 提供个人资料是否属法定或合约规定, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract, 以及您是否有义务提供个人资料,以及未能提供该等资料的可能后果.
  • 个人数据的来源,如果它不是直接从你那里收集的.
  • Any details and information of automated decision making, such as profiling, and any meaningful information about the logic involved, 以及这种处理的意义和预期后果.

7.2 Verification requirements

要查阅所持有的个人资料,需要提供身份证明以供核实. This may be a copy of your current driving licence, your passport, 出生证明和不超过三个月的水电费账单. 最少一张以上所列的附有相片的身份证及一份证明文件. If LINCOLNW.COM is dissatisfied with the materials provided, 在公布个人资料前,申请人可索取进一步资料.

8. Consent and withdrawal of consent

8.1 Consenting and withdrawal of consent

同意本隐私声明即表示您同意LINCOLNW.COM processing your personal data for the purposes outlined. 您可以随时通过电子邮件或电话向本文档中详述的数据保护官撤回同意.

9. Data retention policy

9.1 Data storage expiration

LINCOLNW.COM将在任何合同有效期内处理个人数据,并将在合同到期后三年内继续存储履行任何法律义务所需的个人数据. 在此期间后,任何不再需要或休眠的个人资料将被删除.

10. Data storage

10.1 Storage of data across multiple locations

本网站收集的数据主要保存在英国,使用不同的(多个)服务器.  然而,数据通过云存储备份解决方案备份到欧洲各地的服务器上. All servers 是否位于需要遵守相同数据保护法规的地点.  我们用于云服务器操作的主要负载平衡系统位于保加利亚.

10.2 Transparency of data storage by third party providers

如第4节和第5节所定义,您的数据可能由LINCOLNW传输.COM提供给第三方服务,以增强您的用户体验或提供客户服务.  可能有权访问您的部分数据的公司及其能够处理的数据如下:

  • Google (Analytics) – Email address and website address

11. Amendments

11.1 Policy updates

We may update this policy without notice. 最新版本将始终在我们的网站上提供.

11.2 Keeping up to date with this policy


12. Cookies

12.1 Types of cookie

cookie可能是“持久”cookie或“会话”cookie:持久cookie将由web浏览器存储,并将保持有效,直到其设定的到期日期, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed.

12.2 Data contained within cookies

cookie通常不包含任何识别用户个人身份的信息, 但是,我们存储的有关您的个人信息可能会链接到存储在cookie中并从中获取的信息.

12.3  Storage of cookie data

这些cookie中提供的信息可能由LINCOLNW存储.如果我们的网站需要操作,请在加密的MySQL数据库中保存. 如果您的浏览器设置为使用cookie,则cookie也将由您存储.

12.4 Refusing and deleting cookies


The methods for doing so vary from browser to browser, from version to version, and can be dependent on operating system. 但是,您可以通过以下途径获取有关阻止和删除cookie的最新信息:

12.5  The impact of blocking cookies

封锁所有cookie将对许多网站的可用性产生负面影响, and should you block cookies on our website, 您将无法使用我们网站的所有功能.

13. Complaints

13.1 Filing a complaint to the ICO

如果您希望对处理您的个人资料的方式进行合规, you have a legal right to complain. 如果你在30天内没有收到回复, you can initiate a complaint to the ICO.

Address:  Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Email: http://ico.org.uk/global/contact-us/email/

14. Policy Updates

14.1 Latest version

The latest version of this document is dated 7th May 2018.

14.2 Previous revisions
